About Portuguese Water Dogs
PWDs are a lively, hardy, intelligent breed. As cute and cuddley as they appear, they are not for everyone. Raising a PWD pup undoubtably will result in a toilet paper shortage (paper is considered a delicacy by many PWDs) visits to the Vet because something innapproriate was swallowed (corn cob, sock, sponge, nail...), and bi-monthly trips to the groomer to tame some of that ever-growing hair (which can be spun and knitted into a scarf, don't ya know). Living with a PWD will also result in a loving companion, an athlete who will keep you on your toes, and a changed lifestyle (for indeed, they transform one's life). Please don't consider a PWD unless you're willing to make some sacrifices for you dog. If you're willing, you won't regret it!
Buying a PWD
Our PWDs are family dogs. They live in our home, sleep in our bedroom (sometimes on the bed!) and play in our yard. We've been blessed thus far to have owned PWDs who have lived to ripe old ages - Cocoa lived to 16! We take them to the Vet annually and as often as they need medical attention. We breed only when we have a young dog who has the health, temperment and conformation characteristics that we believe will result in a superior representation of the breed. This is based on the breed standard as set by the PWDCA. Therefore, the opportunity to breed only comes along every few years.
Please email us and we will send you a puppy owner questionnaire and then follow-up with a phone call.
There has been much written about PWDs, and the best way to get to know more about them is to meet them -- at a PWDCNC Club event, an AKC conformation dog show, rally, obedience or agility trials/matches or of course a PWD water trial. Here's some other great resources:
PWD Health
Overview of PWD Health Issues from the PWDCA
Health testing Recommendations for Responsible Breeders
Ask for proof of these health screenings before you buy a PWD!
Orthopedic Foundation forAnimals - Health Info Database
Spay/Neuter Research Information
A study on long term effects of canine spaying or neutering. Please read and discuss with your vet.
Additional Spay/Neuter Research Information
A more recent study on long term effects of canine spaying or neutering with information on behavioral aspects. Please read and discuss with your vet.
More Spay/Neuter Research Information
Information on the consequences of canine spay/neutering on other health issues. Please read and discuss with your vet.
Portuguese Water Dog Club of America
Portuguese Water Dog Club of Northern California
American Kennel Club
Portuguese Water Dog Foundation
Non-profit organization that funds and reports research on health issues affecting Portuguese Water Dogs.
PWD Study Group & PWD Stud Dogs of the World
Sue Ailsby's Clicker Training Levels
This works! But requires patience and perseverance and patience (did I mention patience?)
The award-winning Courier Magazine published quarterly by the PWDCA
The Portuguese Water Dog by Carla Molinari
The New Complete Portuguese Water Dog by Kathryn Braund
All things PWD, including water training equipment
Handcrafted memorial ceramic vessels & more (currently under reconstruction) - my other bliss is clay...sometimes I even combine the two passions!